Unlike most i love it when it's my birthday, even this year with it being the big 3.0! As long as i grow old happy and healthy, i'm looking forward to the next 3o... or maybe 60 years life wants to throw at me. So anyway, the reason i love my birthday is because for the past few years i've been notorious for throwing (amazing, if i do say so myself) parties with a theme. From Jamaican BBQ's, Mexican Fiesta's, Beach Bum Camping, umm what else... oh yeah my favourite, Bring an Inflatable Object & Fancy Dress Accordingly (hee hee that was funny!), Bring a Bottle Cocktail Night & last but not least A 1920's Speakeasy Tea Party!
The rules were: 1920's attire, so girls in flapper dresses, beads & feathered head bands. guys in smart suits, bow ties, braces, waistcoats, trilby's and the odd nasty moustache floated about!
Drinking was only allowed to be out of teacups - just in case the prohibition police knocked on the door. & finally no entry without the password: WHOOP DEE DOO!
It really was a tee-rrific night, with everybody putting in alot of well appreciated effort. So special thanks to Me - for annoying everyone with my 1920's music, jeez it was only to set the mood peeps! Rob for organising the overhead projector which showed old episodes of laurel and hardy. Paul for helping to get the house tidy on time, my lovely mum who baked her little socks off, Ursula for surprising me with a wonderful cake (the candles all lit up a different colour!) & to everybody else for turning up & making it such a wonderful birthday.

drum roll please...
(i doubt any of these read my blog but i have a few awards i'd like to hand out...)
best dress: posh rosh :)
best hair: gemma (wow)
best hairdresser: rachel (thanks for doing my hair!)
best tash: k man scullion
biggest feather in their hair: big lisa
best dressed man: uum i might be biased, but tuff i'm giving it to boyfriend paul
best accessory: christopher for his puffing cigar
best teacup: me because most of your forgot to bring your own! tut tut. (2nd place to emer!)
best cocktail of the night: i'm giving that to paul cassidy - thanks for making paul pass out :)
best party goer - all you guys, thanks :)

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